
science1.jpgScience provides a way of answering interesting and important questions about the biological, physical, chemical and technological world.  Science is a dynamic, collaborative and creative human endeavour arising from our need to make sense of our world through exploring the unknown, investigating universal mysteries, making predictions and solving problems.
In the Australian Curriculum Science provides opportunities for students to develop an understanding of important science concepts and processes, the practices used to develop scientific knowledge of science’s contribution to our culture and society, and its applications in our lives.
In addition to its practical applications, learning science is a valuable pursuit in its own right. Students develop critical and creative thinking skills and challenge themselves to identify questions and draw evidence-based conclusions using scientific methods. The wider benefits of this “scientific literacy” are well established, including giving students the capability to investigate the natural world and changes made to it through human activity.
At Seton College four Science courses are offered for Year 9 and 10 to cater for the diverse needs of all students.   Students are encouraged to select a subject that reflects their ability and their interest in science. This will ensure students receive instruction appropriate to their needs.  
These courses are outlined below:

science2.jpg9/10 SCIENCE
This subject aims to cover all units outlined by the Australian Curriculum.  Students completing this course will complete work across the 6 strands in Science.  They will be encouraged to further develop their knowledge and inquiry skills in both real life and more abstract situations.  In Year 9, students complete the QCAT.
This subject aims to cover all units outlined by the Australian Curriculum.   Students completing this course will complete work across the 6 strands in Science.  They will be encouraged to further develop their knowledge and inquiry skills in real life situations.  In Year 9, students complete the QCAT.
This subject is a school based course where emphasis is placed on the environment, its uses and misuses.  Students will be actively involved in the garden and orchard projects within the school grounds.

This subject is a school based course in which students develop basic skills and knowledge that will be of benefit to them in their daily lives.   Students will be actively involved in projects within the school grounds that relate to their topics of study.
Students are given opportunities to demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understanding in a number of ways. Examples of assessment are Supervised Tests/Examinations, Extended Response Tasks, Short Experimental Investigations, Journal Writing and Book Work and Field Work.